
The more tired you are in stock trading, the more you are going wrong.

85 Comments 2024-08-05

Recently, many people have given me feedback, saying that stock trading is too tiring, and it's getting more and more exhausting, both physically and mentally.

It's actually normal to feel this way because I've also had this feeling, and everyone goes through such a stage.

When you are very focused and working hard on something, you naturally hope for a good outcome.

However, things often don't go as planned, and the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

If life could solve all problems just by hard work, there would be no poor people, let alone rich people.

It is often said that hard work is the easiest thing in the world.

This is not a boast, but a fact, because the cost of hard work is the lowest and is entirely under one's control.


But there is another truth, which is that if the direction is wrong, the effort is in vain.

Investment is about direction, not about diligence.

Buying the right stock can make you rich and prosperous.Misbuying a single stock could potentially lead to an irretrievable downfall.

As a result, many people have started shifting from a technical analysis approach to a fundamental analysis approach, in order to minimize the chances of making mistakes in stock selection.

When the amount of things you need to learn keeps increasing, you naturally start to feel tired.

If there is "positive" feedback at this time, such as making money, it will obviously ease emotions and make you feel at ease.

However, if these have inadvertently created negative effects, you will feel that stock trading is very difficult and that it makes you feel more and more tired.

Many people, once they start losing money, are always on the road to recovering their losses, and this road is precisely the most difficult one, a road that exhausts both body and mind.

We regard all losses as a form of negative energy, and making money as positive energy.

When negative energy accumulates more and more, it is easy to take a wrong path and easily fall into an abyss.

Facing the pressure you put on yourself, the pressure from family, and the pressure from all aspects will come one after another.

The more you want to escape, the more reality will pull you back in.Originally, I just wanted to make some money by investing in stocks, but now it has become an endless burden, naturally becoming more and more tiring.

Retail investors have a characteristic, which is the lack of a core strategy.

In simple terms, it means they do not have a defined profit model and are like headless flies buzzing around aimlessly.

Most people start by learning the concept of buying low and selling high in waves.

Some, after practicing, believe that buying low and selling high is a paradox, and it's easy to become desperate for solutions.

Later on, it gradually turns into a state of seeking help from anyone and everyone.

Finding a stable and profitable method in the stock market is certainly not an easy task.

If it were as simple as imagined, everyone would be able to make money, and the stock market would be in chaos.

This is destined to be a battleground where losses outweigh gains.If you anticipate a high probability of losing money beforehand, building up some psychological resilience might actually make the situation better.

However, this only addresses the issue of mindset and does not solve the fundamental problem.

Fundamentally, stock trading is a very tiring job, especially when you have no experience, everything starts from scratch.

For most people, learning is not a happy thing, and joyful learning is based on the premise of receiving positive feedback while learning.

Most investors are more willing to invest time and energy when they are making money.

Once they enter a state of losing money, they develop a dislike for learning and accumulation.

Especially when you have learned a certain method and find that you are still losing money, you will start to look for reasons in the market and even fall into self-doubt.

90% of stock investors will follow the market trend and look for reasons for the decline every day.

And you will find that the reasons are all kinds of strange, because there are sudden news every day, each one is different.

There are thousands of pitfalls in the stock market, and you feel that there is no way to avoid it when you first enter the stock market.When you feel that you have to be cautious in everything you do and can't see the way forward, it's natural to feel tired.

The fatigue without achievement will gradually crush you.

So in the stock market, the right way of accumulating experience is very important.

Here are a few points, which are the lessons I have learned from the detours I have taken over the years.

Firstly, do not invest too much money, but invest enough energy.

Investing too much money at the beginning is definitely wrong.

When you don't understand anything, investing a large amount of money will bring pressure to yourself invisibly.

But many people feel that investing a small amount of money is not interesting, and the attention to the stock market will decrease.

This is also wrong.

The investment in the stock market is very high in terms of energy consumption, and if you are unwilling to invest time, it means that the accumulation speed is very slow.The 10,000-hour rule applies everywhere and inevitably requires experience.

Secondly, do not look for excuses for failure, but seek methods for success.

You can find ten thousand reasons why you lost money.

There was once a retail investor who said that they were deeply trapped in a stock because they missed the best time to sell while going to the bathroom.

I hope this kind of ridiculous reason never appears on everyone, as it will only hinder a person's growth.

Losing money is not terrible, what is terrible is not knowing why they lost.

Success must have a method, learn from those who have made money, learn from others' methods, and then find a way to understand for yourself.

A positive attitude is very important.

Third, understand the cycle, understand the bull and bear market, calmly accept success and failure, the key is to summarize experience.

There is no God in the stock market, and there is no one who can make money every day.The so-called cycles, the so-called bull and bear markets, are meant to tell you that the difficulty of making money varies at different times.

Success and failure will certainly exist, and even the best strategies can fail at times.

The key issue is whether your experiences of success and failure can be transformed into lessons, increasing the probability of your future success.

It is not terrible to buy the wrong stock; what is terrible is not knowing where you went wrong, and thus not being able to improve.

Fourthly, the market is changing, and it is in the changes that we seek the unchanging laws to seek long-term profits.

The real difficulty of this market lies in the fact that the market is changing.

The players in the market are changing, and the rules of the market are naturally changing as well.

To achieve long-term profits, one must find out what is unchanging in the market.

For example, if a company's performance continues to grow, the stock price will fluctuate upwards, which is one of the unchanging laws.

The help I can offer is to share some of my own experiences, the space is very limited, and many things must be understood by oneself.The market's downward trend is a long one, which means the bear market is prolonged, causing a lot of people to suffer greatly.

If you can't turn this suffering into a driving force, then it's the right thing to leave the stock market as soon as possible.

But the matter of investing always brings hope when there is despair, it depends on whether you can endure it.

Enduring is not about lying flat and doing nothing, but about finding ways to make progress in the midst of hardship.

Tiredness is inevitable, no one can succeed easily.

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