
More and more passenger stations are being "closed", what does this indicate? Is

93 Comments 2024-09-01

The early morning sunlight spills into the old waiting hall, where once bustling scenes have become memories.

With the expansion of the high-speed rail network, the popularity of ride-hailing services, and the increase in private car ownership, the once vital link between urban and rural areas, the bus station, is quietly fading from the historical stage. These places that have borne the homesickness of countless wanderers and witnessed the dreams of many students are now facing unprecedented challenges.

However, is the bus station really destined to disappear? Do they still have a future? Let's step into these once lively places, listen to their stories, and explore their possible ways out.

In this transformation that concerns people's livelihoods, we may find some unexpected answers.

Standing in the empty waiting hall, ticket seller Xiao Li gazes through the glass window at the endless stream of traffic on the highway in the distance. She sighs lightly, reminiscing about the busy scenes of the past: "There used to be a sea of people here every day, now sometimes there are not even enough passengers to start a shift.


Since 2019, bus stations across the country have fallen into an unprecedented predicament. The once bustling places are now only left with a few passengers.

This change has not only affected the bus stations themselves but also the various groups that depend on them.For passengers, the impact is the most direct. 68-year-old Grandpa Zhang frowned and said, "I don't know how to use a smartphone, and the high-speed railway station is too far away. Now, going back to my hometown has become a problem."

People like Grandpa Zhang, the elderly, students, and migrant workers, are the groups most affected by this. Many of them are accustomed to traditional modes of transportation. Faced with the closure of the passenger station, they have to adapt to new means of transport, which undoubtedly increases their travel costs and difficulties.

Passenger transport companies are also facing a severe test. Wang Ming, the manager of a passenger transport company, said helplessly, "We have to lay off staff and reduce routes, looking for a new way to survive."

The sharp decline in passenger sources directly leads to a significant drop in income. Many passenger transport companies have to reduce their scale and even face the risk of bankruptcy.

However, the decline of the passenger station has far more extensive effects. As an important link connecting urban and rural areas, the disappearance of the passenger station may exacerbate the urban-rural gap. Local government official Li Fang said with concern, "If the passenger station disappears, it may affect multiple industries such as tourism and trade. We are looking for solutions."

Indeed, the passenger station is not only a transportation hub but also an important force in promoting the economic development of urban and rural areas. Their decline may weaken the connection between the countryside and the city, affect the transportation and sale of agricultural products, and even hinder the development of rural tourism.

Faced with these challenges, where should the passenger station go? Should it wait to die or seek transformation? The answer may lie in some innovative passenger stations. As Professor Zhang, a transportation expert, said, "Opportunities are often hidden in crises."

Passenger stations need to reposition their role and explore new service models to find a foothold in the new transportation pattern.Despite numerous challenges, the story of the passenger transport station is far from over. Across the country, some innovative transport stations are exploring new paths of development, bringing a glimmer of hope to the entire industry.

Their experiences may be able to point the way for other transport stations facing difficulties, allowing this place that holds countless memories to regain its vitality.

In various parts of the country, some passenger transport stations are actively exploring new paths of development, injecting new vitality into the entire industry. These innovative cases not only demonstrate the various possibilities of transport station transformation, but also point the way for the future of the industry.

In the Nanhai District of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, a transport station has launched a unique "Five Entry" strategy. The stationmaster, Chen Guang, enthusiastically introduced: "We bring our services into campuses, factories, communities, enterprises, and tourist attractions, tailoring special line services according to the needs of different groups."

He proudly added: "The factory line that was opened last month has a full load rate of 90% every day. This service model that is close to the needs of users has allowed us to find a foothold again in fierce competition.

In the Zhanggong District of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, a transport station has carried out a "passenger, freight, and post" integrated business, organically combining passenger transport, freight, and postal services. The person in charge, Wu Jiang, said with confidence: "We have carried out in-depth cooperation with local rural public transport, logistics, and postal departments, which not only solves the travel problems of rural residents, but also promotes the sale of agricultural products."

This innovative model not only improves the efficiency of vehicle use, but also opens up new sources of income for the transport station.

In the Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, a more ambitious project is underway - building a comprehensive transportation hub. The project leader, Zhang Li, enthusiastically explained: "We seamlessly connect the transport station with various modes of transportation such as subways, buses, and ferries, and also introduce commercial elements, making the transport station a vibrant urban complex."This all-encompassing transformation has not only enhanced the functionality of the passenger transport stations but also significantly increased their importance within the urban transportation network.

These cases demonstrate the various possibilities of transforming passenger transport stations and point the way for the entire industry. As Li Ming, an expert in the transportation sector, said: "The future of passenger transport stations lies in innovation and integration. They must actively adapt to new situations and find their own positioning. Only through continuous innovation can they continue to play an important role in the new transportation landscape.

However, the path of transformation is not smooth sailing. The situation varies in each region, and successful experiences cannot be simply replicated. Transportation expert Wang Hong warns: "Innovation requires financial investment and policy support. Passenger transport stations need to be prepared for the long term and should not rush for quick results. At the same time, they must fully consider the actual local conditions and formulate transformation strategies according to local circumstances.

Despite the many challenges, the successful experiences of these pioneers have undoubtedly injected new hope into the entire industry. They prove that as long as they are brave in innovation, passenger transport stations can find their place in the new era and continue to provide convenience for people's travel.

Faced with increasingly fierce market competition, more and more passenger transport stations are beginning to try diversified service models, injecting new vitality into the industry.

One-stop multi-point services have become a new choice for many passenger transport stations. In addition to the main station, they have set up small service points in various corners of the city to facilitate passengers to board nearby.Aunt Li, a resident, said with a smile: "Now I can buy a ticket just by stepping out of my house, no need to go all the way to the central station. It's really convenient.

Customized line services have also emerged. Based on the needs of specific groups, the passenger station has opened various customized routes, such as tourist lines and commuting lines. Xiao Zhang, a white-collar worker in a certain science and technology park, said excitedly: "The company cooperated with the passenger station to open a special commuting bus, and I no longer have to worry about traffic jams when going to and from work.

In addition, the service of bus line is becoming a new trend. By combining long-distance lines with urban buses, the passenger station not only improves the utilization rate of vehicles but also provides passengers with more flexible travel options.

Zhao Wei, the marketing manager of a passenger company, said excitedly: "These new models have given us hope. Last quarter, our customized line business increased by 30%.

Although traditional business is shrinking, the rapid growth of new business has given us confidence.

However, the road to transformation is not smooth. Transportation expert Wang Hong reminded: "Innovation requires investment and policy support, and the passenger station should be prepared for the long term and not be eager for quick success.

At the same time, attention should also be paid to the balance between old and new businesses to ensure that the original customer base is not lost during the transformation process.

Despite many challenges, these new service models undoubtedly point out the direction for the future development of the passenger station. As Chen Gong, the person in charge of the transportation department, said: "The future of the passenger station lies in continuous innovation and adaptation."Only by taking the initiative to change and accurately positioning itself can a passenger station continue to play an important role in the new traffic pattern.

In the process of urbanization, passenger stations still play an irreplaceable role in connecting urban and rural areas. Faced with new challenges, some passenger stations have begun to look to the vast rural areas to explore new development opportunities.

Serving the grassroots has become a new strategy for many passenger stations. Establishing small passenger stations in townships not only facilitates the travel of rural residents but also opens up a new market for passenger stations.

In a mountainous area of Sichuan, a villager named Lao Wang happily said, "In the past, I had to walk a long way to take a bus to the city, but now there is a small station in the town, which is much more convenient."

Sharing resources is another innovative move. By cooperating with local logistics companies, the dual use of passenger and cargo transport has greatly improved operational efficiency. Zhang, the person in charge of a logistics company, said, "The route network of the passenger station is very dense. After cooperating with us, it not only reduced costs but also improved the delivery efficiency."

Developing comprehensive business has also become a new trend. Combining local characteristics, some passenger stations have begun to enter the fields of agricultural product transportation and tourism services. At a passenger station in Yunnan, the station master Li Ming proudly introduced, "Our 'rural passenger transport +' model not only solves the problem of villagers' travel but also helps them transport characteristic agricultural products to the city for sale, driving local economic development.

However, rural passenger transport also faces many challenges. Zhang Ming, a staff member of the transportation department, frankly said, "The road conditions in rural areas are poor, the passenger flow is small, and the income is low. It requires the joint efforts of the government and enterprises to maintain long-term operation.

We are studying relevant support policies, hoping to inject more vitality into rural passenger transport."Despite numerous challenges, there is still great potential for passenger transport services to penetrate rural areas. As Professor Wang, a traffic expert, said: "Passenger stations must fully recognize their important role in connecting urban and rural areas and actively explore operation models suitable for rural characteristics.

Only by truly taking root in the countryside can we find a foothold in the new development pattern.

As the digital wave sweeps in, passenger stations are also actively embracing new technologies and striving to achieve intelligent transformation. This transformation has not only improved operational efficiency but also brought a brand new travel experience to passengers.

Integrating into the urban comprehensive transportation system has become the primary goal for many passenger stations. By achieving information interconnection and ticketing integration with other transportation modes such as subways and buses, passenger stations are gradually becoming an important part of the smart city transportation network.

Building intelligent passenger stations is another important trend. The introduction of intelligent equipment such as facial recognition and self-service ticketing has greatly improved service efficiency. At a certain intelligent passenger station in Guangzhou, passenger Ms. Wang exclaimed: "I can complete all operations with my mobile phone, from ticket purchase to ticket inspection, only taking a few minutes, saving a lot of queuing time.

Using big data to improve service quality has also become a new direction for development. By analyzing passenger flow characteristics, passenger stations can optimize routes and schedules more accurately and provide more considerate services.

Zhang, a data analyst at a certain passenger transport company, introduced: "We can predict the peak of passenger flow during holidays, and allocate vehicles in advance, greatly reducing the waiting time for passengers.

However, technological innovation has also brought new challenges. IT engineer Li Ming reminded: "While promoting intelligence, we must pay special attention to protecting user privacy."In addition, it is necessary to take into account the needs of special groups such as the elderly to ensure that they can also use the new system conveniently.


Despite facing many challenges, technology empowerment has undoubtedly opened a new chapter of development for the passenger station. As the person in charge of the transportation department, Chen Gong said: "Intelligent transformation is the only way for the passenger station to adapt to the new era.

Only by continuously innovating can we continue to play an important role in the fiercely competitive transportation market and provide better quality services for people's travel.


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