
Why does 3000 points break through so easily.

36 Comments 2024-05-06

I have translated the given text into English as follows:

These past two days, I have been subjected to a soul-searching interrogation.

In the great empire's A-share market, why does every 3,000 point mark seem as fragile as paper, easily pierced through?

Why is there no heavy defense at the critical 3,000 point mark?

Many people cannot understand this issue because they believe that the 3,000 point mark is a matter of face.

There must be someone guarding the 3,000 point mark to preserve the last bit of dignity for the A-share market.

However, this very notion appears too naive in the capital market.

Even if the 3,000 point mark is the dividing line between a bull and bear market, there is no capital at this stage that would be committed to defending the 3,000 point mark.


On the contrary, more often than not, capital is willing to break through the 3,000 point mark.

I wonder if everyone has noticed a characteristic.

The market's low points have never stopped at the 3,000 point mark, and even at 2,900, it is very rare.

Please note that the translation provided is a direct and literal translation of the original text. Some phrases may not have a direct equivalent in English, so I have tried to convey the meaning as accurately as possible while maintaining the essence of the original text.Apart from the low point of 2923, it seems that there have been no significant low points in the 2900s.

The low point of 2923 only lasted for about two months before being breached again.

2400, 2600, and 2800, on the other hand, often appear as low points.

The previous lows of 2440 and 2449 both occurred at 2400.

The previous lows of 2638 and 2646, and the current 2635, all occurred at 2600.

The previous lows of 2863 and 2885, and further back, 2850, all occurred at 2800.

That is to say, after breaking through 3000 points, the market's inertia tends to push down at least another 100 points, and it does not effectively brake.

This trading habit has made large funds now look down on 3000 points, and they are not willing to firmly defend 3000 points at all.

A lot of funds will only gradually open positions when they are near 2900.

As a result, 3000 points naturally become paper-made, and they can be easily broken through with a poke.This point has already become a psychological point for retail investors, and even a point of ridicule.

For actual trading, the significance of the 3000 point level has become very small, so I advise everyone not to pay too much attention to it.

The 3000 point level no longer has a defense battle.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, there are several other reasons.

Firstly, the scale of each 3000 point level is different.

This 3000 is not the same as that 3000.

Apart from the Shanghai Composite Index, which has always been above the 3000 point level, other indices have long since fallen below the 3000 point level.

This may be a problem that everyone has already recognized.

Not only that, but the market value at each 3000 point level is also different, it can be said that each time it is "gaining weight".In 2006, when the market first hit 3,000 points, the market capitalization was only in the tens of trillions.

Nowadays, as the market hovers around 3,000 points, the market value has already reached 80 trillion.

The 3,000 points of today, after more than a decade, is no longer the 3,000 points of the past.

Different scales mean that the amount of capital needed to push the index is completely different.

Back then, on February 27th, when the Shanghai Composite Index was at 3,000 points, the turnover volume was over 120 billion, and later on May 30th, the turnover volume of the Shanghai Composite Index even reached over 270 billion.

Now, returning to 3,000 points, the turnover volume of the Shanghai Composite Index on June 21st was 280 billion, whether it's worth playing is clear at a glance.

Secondly, the index has lost its true value and thus its significance.

The Shanghai Composite Index at 3,000 points, while the small and medium board index has fallen to 2,000 points, this has been a recent joke among many people.

Indeed, everyone expresses their views and opinions on the market based on the Shanghai Composite Index.

But they have overlooked the fact that the actual decline in individual stocks has already been a mess.Even if the funds always hold the 3000 point mark, they are merely guarding the heavyweight stocks. On the other side, it's a massacre.

The reason the market can't hold the 3000 point mark is that even if the heavyweights support the market, the sharp decline of other stocks will also bring the index down.

Every time the 3000 point mark is broken, from the perspective of blue-chip stock valuations, it is entering the bottom area.

But if we set aside blue-chip stocks and look from other perspectives, many sectors are still overvalued.

So, the 3000 point mark has no guiding significance, it's just a psychological level for people.

Of course, for investors who are positioned in the Shanghai Composite 50, Shanghai-Shenzhen 300, and other blue-chip inclined indexes, below 3000 points is a golden pit.

Different perspectives lead to different results, but this can't stop the distortion of the market index.

Thirdly, the main force's goal is to obtain cheaper chips.

The reason why every time the 3000 point mark is broken, it means to break 2900 and head towards 2800.

The reason is that the main force's goal is to get cheap chips.If all the positions above 3000 points are trapped, then the main force cannot defend at 3000 points, nor can they take positions at 3000 points.

This is equivalent to a central position, where positions are bought, and the pressure from above is also very great.

Once the upper limit is set by the main force, it can only prioritize breaking through the lower limit and looking for a lower position.

Since there is no room at 3000 points, then dig down 5%, if not enough, dig down 10%, 15%, the deeper the pit is dug, the space naturally comes.

This is also why once the 3000 points are broken, it is a continuous downward digging.

The deeper it digs, the more wailing there is, the more cheap positions there are, the happier the main force is.


Strategically, the main force has long abandoned the 3000 points.

What a painful realization!

But there is no way, because the real battle will be fought below 3000 points.Below the 3000 mark, that's where the real chip game takes place.

The main force's game is actually below the 3000 mark.

It's just that the rational main force chose to lie flat, so the trading volume below 3000 is relatively small.

At the end of the bear market, what remains is the game between the main force and some retail investors.

Both sides are competing in mentality here, and the bottom is often seen after the retail investors collapse.

Once a part of the retail investors have handed over all the chips, the game is over.

Below the 3000 mark, it is full of gold and opportunities everywhere.

We all say that good stocks also need a good price.

The real good price appears below the 3000 mark, because it is cheap.

The so-called timing is to find the market's low point at this time and then buy and layout.Therefore, breaking below the 3000-point mark should actually be a cause for joy.

Because it is only at this juncture that one might have the opportunity to buy into the starting point of a truly great bull stock, and there may be the chance to effortlessly multiply one's investment several times over.

Compared to making money through short-term speculation, entering the market at the bottom of a major trend with blue-chip stocks is clearly a winning strategy without much effort.

Below the 3000-point mark is where each bull market begins.

We have never initiated a bull market above the 3000-point mark.

All the starting points of the bull markets have been below the 3000-point mark; the last one was at 2440, and it is uncertain whether this round will be at 2635.

Entering the market above the 3000-point mark carries a risk that is clearly greater than the opportunity.

However, when entering below the 3000-point mark, the opportunity far outweighs the risk.

Of course, there is also a cost of patience here, because as the market has just broken below the 3000-point mark, there is still a need for further decline. Do not immediately go all-in and take long positions, as the risk remains high.

When the market volume decreases and the bottom is almost established, the starting point of the bull market will naturally come.Properly view the opportunities and risks below 3000 points, and do not focus on the gains and losses of the index points. Investment is also a matter of fortune and misfortune being interdependent, it's just a different perspective on the issue.

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