
The best investment in the next three years is to stay at home.

22 Comments 2024-06-18

Someone asked a financial blogger: How can I make money and invest to increase my assets in the next few years?

The blogger replied with only two words: Guard the family.

What does that mean?

The period of making a lot of money has passed, and all industries are becoming more and more competitive. Don't expect to get rich overnight.

From now on, you must be cautious, and guarding the family is to watch over your own life.


Guard the family income

Financial commentator Yang Guoying once said that in today's era, 90% of the middle-class families in the country will experience a reduction in wealth.While most families are experiencing a reduction in wealth, they can easily fall into the trap of consumption if not careful, accelerating their return to poverty.


In recent years, it has been more important to improve financial literacy than to rack one's brains to make money, and to keep a tight grip on one's wallet.

For the next three years, protecting the family income is a required course for every family.

1. Have a concept of money

A taxi ride costs 30 yuan, which is equivalent to a week's public transportation expenses;

The cost of two cups of milk tea can buy a box of milk;

The money spent on a hot pot meal out can buy a week's worth of vegetables and fruits;

Have you noticed that many times we cannot keep money because we do not have a concept of it.

From today on, you must have a concept of money, consume rationally, and do not spend a penny that should not be spent:

Quit face consumption, go to fewer meaningless dinners, and do not buy items beyond your ability;Refuse to blindly follow trends, break the bad habit of careless spending, and buy fewer items with low practical value...

2. Develop the habit of saving

I strongly agree with a passage by the writer Lian Yue:

Money is constantly devaluing. The 100 yuan you save this year may only have a purchasing power of 95 yuan next year.

But if you spend all 100 yuan this year, your purchasing power next year will be zero.

Saving is the first step to becoming wealthy. Only with a certain amount of savings can you start the second step.

Investing in savings is the mindset of the rich.

For ordinary families, saving money is saving confidence.

Having money in the bank can make you feel at ease, and only by watching your wallet can you protect the happiness and stability of a family's life.

3. Be cautious, invest wiselyAre there many examples around you of blind entrepreneurship, following the trend of investment, a series of struggles, and then returning to the state before the liberation overnight?

To be honest, for the working class, entrepreneurship and indiscriminate investment are almost like gambling.

In the next three years, the economic situation is still not clear, and the investment and entrepreneurship market may become more complex.

Less fuss, no borrowing, no large asset allocation, and seeking stability are the keys for ordinary families to maintain happiness.

4. Do not over-educate

Previously, an article titled "A monthly salary of 30,000, still can't afford a child's summer vacation" was wildly shared in the parent group.

A high-level mother with a monthly salary of 30,000 spent 35,000 in just one summer vacation.

You see, over-investment in education is emptying your wallet.

Moreover, in recent years, the cost-effectiveness of spending money on children's education has become lower and lower.

The child you have spent a lot of money to educate may only return with a monthly salary of a few thousand.Maintain a Balanced Mindset, Avoid Over-Investing in Education, and Raise a Healthy and Happy Child, Which Is the Greatest Blessing for a Family.


Safeguard Family Stability

There are elderly people who are unable to take care of themselves to support, there are underage children to take care of, and oneself is also on the downhill path of career, and it is necessary to roll up work with great effort.

Living as a sandwiched middle-aged person, the most afraid of disorder, the most prone to disorder.

An illness, an accident, an unemployment, can all be enough to destroy the stability of a family.

But what really makes life chaotic is not the invisible fate of the big hammer, but the one who is unprepared.

If you are still making trouble blindly, and have not made preparations for risk resistance, you will bear the pain brought by disorder.

In the next three years, to protect the stability of the family, start from the following four things.

1. Prioritize HealthA while ago, a Peking University professor "trapped in the trivialities of life" touched the tear points of countless people.

A Peking University professor, over the past three years, has spent a lot of time taking care of his disabled parents.

His original life was disrupted, and he was trapped in a life of "changing diapers, wiping feces and urine, bathing, washing bed sheets, and cooking."

Each of us may face similar dilemmas.

Prioritizing family immunity and putting the health of family members first can minimize the invasion of diseases on the family as much as possible.

Regular family health check-ups can prevent potential issues.

Maintaining a regular diet and schedule, not overdrawing the body, and not consuming health is a foresight.

2. Secure Employment

Have you noticed that the job market has changed in the past two years?

In the past, when resigning and looking for a job, one could quickly find a good one. Now, if you resign without a job lined up, you might be unemployed for half a year.In the coming years, under the impact of artificial intelligence and emerging industries, the intensification of involution will become more severe. I advise you not to resign lightly.

To persevere is to win.

If you feel the pressure of work is too great, then strive to improve your professional skills and fill in the gaps.

Break through yourself as much as possible and build a more solid career moat.

3. Maintain the pace

Psychologist Chen Haixian proposed the concept of a "field".

He believes that creating a "field" in uncertain time and space to complete specific small things can live well in the present and bring certainty to life.

In simple terms, develop healthy life micro-habits, live well in the present, and you can stabilize your mentality and stabilize life.

Do not be willful, do not procrastinate, do not indulge, and try to get rid of bad habits that disrupt the order of life.

Read, exercise, save money, and rebuild a good order of life bit by bit.4. Optimize Asset Allocation

After researching hundreds of thousands of families with robust asset growth worldwide, international authoritative institutions have analyzed and summarized their family financial management methods, resulting in the Family Asset Quadrant Diagram.

This diagram is widely recognized as the most rational and stable method for family asset distribution.

There is a metaphor made by someone:

The Standard & Poor's diagram is like the formation in a football match, with the third quadrant being the forwards, the first quadrant being the midfield, the fourth quadrant being the defenders, and the second quadrant being the goalkeeper.

Life is full of ups and downs. To strategize effectively, a reasonable arrangement of troops is needed.

By properly managing family asset allocation and making comprehensive preparations, one can calmly face the challenges of life.


Safeguarding Family HappinessIn "The Pursuit of Meaning in Life," Wu Fei says:

"Life exists as part of a family.

Living a life is about managing the family, and in the process of managing the family, settling one's own life. Only when the family as a whole is doing well can a person truly settle their own life, which means living a good life."

No great investment is better than investing in the family.

What the family brings us is an inexhaustible spiritual wealth.

All our pressures are dissolved in the family; all our energy is replenished within the family.

After half a lifetime, you will find that the degree of care in managing the family determines the warmth of the family's life.

In the next three years, managing your family well is accumulating the most valuable assets for yourself.

1. Before entering the home, manage your expressions well

Have you noticed that the expression on your face when you return home determines the mood of the whole family?When you come home with a smile on your face, your joy can infect the whole family.

And when you're in a bad mood, the atmosphere at home can become dull and oppressive.

From today on, don't bring your garbage emotions home, and don't leave the worst emotions to your family.

You can share your grievances, but don't lose your temper with your family at will; you can express your anxiety, but don't keep complaining.

When encountering problems, communicate calmly, and with one heart and one mind, all difficulties can be solved smoothly.

2. Pay attention to the sense of ritual, add some sugar to life

Singerhof wrote in "Why We Need Rituals":

"In the era of turmoil, rituals give people a support.

Rituals help us deal with the embarrassment in life, awaken the beautiful emotions in our hearts, and are the harbor of the soul and the source of strength."

The sense of ritual is the concrete way for us to express love with our hearts.It doesn't have to be a special day; even in ordinary days, you can send flowers, new clothes, cakes to your family, arrange a family trip, and take a family portrait...

Life is indeed tough, and a sense of ritual is like a seasoning for life, which can add a touch of sweetness to the bitter life.

3. Don't consume family over trivial matters

Why do some families always fall into the quagmire of negative energy, as if they can never escape the predicament?

Because there are family members who keep creating internal friction and consuming the family over trivial matters.

It could be over a bag of garbage, a tube of toothpaste that wasn't squeezed from the tail, a word, or an action. At worst, it can lead to arguments and even the collapse of the family.

Sartre once said: "The difference between family and the outside world is that it is full of care and understanding, and it is a place for a person to rest and recuperate."

Create a warm atmosphere more, be less critical of family members, and appreciate their strengths more.

Don't blame others for problems, don't fuss over trivial matters, and discuss major issues, which is the best Feng Shui for a family.In an interview, Luo Yonghao mentioned a phenomenon:

Many peers who start businesses have families that are not very harmonious, and their careers later encounter problems.

There are also some people who have made some money, but their marriages and emotions are a mess, and their lives are also very miserable.

At a certain age, you will eventually understand that what truly determines the quality of your life is your family.

Home is the last place for you in this world.

Only by guarding the family can you guard everything.

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