
Pay attention to those who don't have cash at home, it's best to prepare 40,000

76 Comments 2024-03-26

In today's society, digital technology is developing rapidly, and our lives are changing with each passing day.

Among the countless technological inventions, mobile payment can be said to be the one that is most closely related to our lives.

Once upon a time, when we were shopping and checking out, we had to count out red banknotes from our wallets, and businessmen on business trips carried bundles of cash in their briefcases.

But now even the homeless beggars on the street have taken out a payment code, "welcoming" you to scan the code and pay.

Although mobile payment has brought us a lot of convenience, we still cannot do without cash.

Friends with conditions should prepare 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in cash at home to avoid the following four troubles.


First, the indispensable social interactions.

Marx once said that the most important attribute of human beings is their social nature.This attribute also dooms that humans must participate in social activities and cannot become solitary animals.

Our country has always emphasized human relations and worldly wisdom from ancient times to the present, so-called "all under heaven are brothers", "more friends, better way to go".

Therefore, we have to face many human interactions in life, such as weddings, funerals, marriages, promotions, and relocations, etc.

In these human interactions, if we are guests, it is essential to give a gift or red envelope to the host of the celebration.

On the one hand, it is to express congratulations to the host and to show our good intentions.

On the other hand, it is also to take advantage of the host's happiness, so that we can also have good things happen to us.

Speaking of giving red envelopes, it can be said to be one of our country's traditional customs.

In this custom, what is important is not how much money is given, but the sense of ritual brought by this red paper envelope.The beautiful wishes between each other can be conveyed through a small red envelope.

In ancient times, red envelopes contained copper coins and silver tickets, while now they are filled with thick Renminbi.

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This also indicates that no matter how much mobile payment develops, we still cannot do without cash. After all, it is only appropriate to put real money in a red envelope.

If you go to a banquet wedding and pay a gift with your mobile phone to "scan and pay," it is definitely not as good as giving a red envelope.

Step back and say, even in situations where a red envelope is not needed.

For example, when visiting a sick relative or colleague, putting tangible cash in someone's hand is much warmer than transferring money through a mobile phone.

In short, in our interactions with others, cash always has its place.

These uses determine that cash payment cannot be completely replaced by mobile payment, but it always has its own place.II. Dealing with Emergencies

Nowadays, smartphones have almost become an inseparable tool for people.

Whether it's for phone contact, online meetings, traveling, shopping by car, or even clocking in for work, we can't do without our phones.

Among all the functions that a mobile phone has, mobile payment is undoubtedly one of the most important.

After all, we need money to consume in our daily lives, and mobile payment is almost controlling our health and personal freedom.

However, it's worth noting that mobile phones cannot always maintain the same frequency with people.

When we encounter some emergencies, such as when the phone runs out of power, has no signal, or even breaks down, our lives will also be greatly affected.

On the one hand, as a communication tool, if the phone cannot work normally, we will lose contact with others, which may delay some very important matters.On the other hand, mobile phones are also our payment tools. Without them, we would be unable to make purchases, and we might even be unable to buy the food necessary for our survival.

This situation also confirms that we still cannot do without cash.

Just think, if we always carry hundreds or even thousands of yuan in our wallets, when our mobile phones are unable to use due to power failure or lack of signal, we can still use cash for temporary shopping and consumption, without affecting our survival needs.

Even if the phone is broken, the cash in our wallet can also allow us to buy a cheap spare machine.

This will prevent us from losing contact with others, thereby not affecting some of our important matters.

In addition, although the network coverage in our country has reached a relatively high level, there are still some areas where the network signal is very poor, and even cannot support mobile payment.

If we travel or travel to similar places, the cash in our wallet is also the confidence for us to consume with peace of mind.

It can be said that mobile payment is an indispensable dependence in our daily life, and cash payment is the fundamental guarantee for us to calmly deal with emergencies.Abandoning cash payments entirely is not only an unwise choice but also an impractical path to take.

III. The Issue of Bank Card Limits

As China's economy continues to develop, the standard of living for its people also gradually improves. People no longer worry about having enough food and clothing to stay warm, but instead, they pursue more enjoyment. "Electric lights and telephones upstairs and downstairs" have become a part of daily life for the Chinese people. Nowadays, when they see a car they like, or even a house with a good location and a nice layout, many people can purchase it directly.

Although many people do indeed have the economic capacity to spend tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan, there is a problem that restricts their behavior: that is, the bank card limit. To prevent financial crimes, most bank cards limit the daily transaction amount for cardholders. The specific amount varies from a few thousand to tens of thousands of yuan. This measure may not have a significant impact on people who have a large number of bank cards.But if you only have one or two bank cards, it also determines that it is difficult for you to make large purchases anytime and anywhere.

For example, you may suddenly like a car with a price of 150,000 yuan.

But you only have two bank cards, each with a daily limit of 50,000 yuan, and withdrawing more than 100,000 yuan in cash requires a one-week advance reservation with the bank.

So you have to wait another week. From this perspective, if you always have some cash at home, you don't have to worry about the bank card limit problem anymore.

If you have the idea of buying any luxury goods, you can just take the money from home, and you don't need to communicate with the bank at all.

In addition to the bank's regular daily limit regulations, some friends who do business often have transactions, which may be judged as an abnormal account by the bank, and the serious ones will be directly frozen.

If the capital chain cannot operate normally, then what a strong blow will your business receive.

At this time, cash has its unique advantages again. Many businessmen with large capital transactions often choose to use cash transactions directly.This way, it can both avoid the troublesome issue of being judged as abnormal by the bank, and also achieve the principle of "money for goods," effectively reducing the risks associated with the transaction.

IV. Controlling Consumer Expenditure

Another very important issue is that it is difficult to control one's own consumer expenditure when using mobile payment.

Many people may not feel this problem, after all, although mobile payment does not require the payment of real money, the amount of each consumption is clear in our minds. Why is it difficult to control consumer expenditure?

In fact, although we can indeed see the amount of consumption in mobile payment.

But the digital figures compared to real money give us a dull sense, which can really make us more "unscrupulous" when consuming.

When we use cash for consumption payment, the decrease in the number of banknotes in the wallet is something we will see on the spot.

It's like getting a salary of 5,000 yuan at the beginning of the month, depositing 2,000 yuan, and the rest is in the wallet.After paying a thousand yuan for rent, we can clearly see that we only have two thousand yuan left, which will consciously reduce our expenses for this month to avoid being hungry at the end of the month.

But when we use mobile payment for consumption, we often only notice that we have spent a thousand yuan this time, and will not consciously check our balance.

As a result, it is difficult to have a clear control over the disposable income left for this month.

At the same time, many shopping platforms now offer services such as "pay later" and "installment payment", which exacerbate our dullness when consuming.

After all, in the past mobile payments, we could still see the amount of our consumption.

But when we use services such as "pay later" and "installment payment", the immediate expenditure will be zero, or a fraction of the total consumption.

This gives us the illusion that the amount of consumption is not much, which makes us more and more uncontrollable in subsequent consumption, and we can't help but "buy, buy, buy".

Until the repayment day, looking at the amount deducted from our bank card, we regret not wanting to "cut off our hands".The goods have already been used for several days, and it's too late to return them.

This also tells us that maintaining a certain amount of cash payment can help us "live frugally and manage the household well."

Clearly realizing how much money we have already spent and how much money we can still spend allows us to clearly control our consumption situation.


Everything has its pros and cons. Cash payment is cumbersome and troublesome but can ensure our consumption needs in emergencies and also help us better control our spending.

Mobile payment is convenient and fast, but there are many restrictions such as emergencies and excessive consumption.

As users, we need to be clear about the advantages and disadvantages of these two payment methods.

While enjoying the convenience and speed of mobile payment in daily life, we should also keep 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in cash at home to prepare for unexpected needs.

In this way, we can calmly deal with various emergencies and technical constraints and become the masters of money in life.Instead of being beguiled by the trap of overconsumption, losing oneself in the endless material desires, and becoming a slave to money.

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